New Sounds: Wings of Fury and Valor

Nikolaus Wegscheider
January 31, 2025

January for TableTone is all about classic fantasy - heroes versus monsters, the good against evil.
This release we are introducing a bunch of new Monster Sounds to our collection, to give you more variety in your campaigns when it comes to different encounters.
A favorite of ours this month are the new Dragon sounds, can’t wait for everyone to try them in their campaigns.

What Assets are new?

We added 2 new Locations to our TableTone Library: 

Explore the vast and shimmering plains, and climb the challenging high peaks of the mountains.

New Sounds to explore:

Arcane Dragon

Acid Dragon

Dragon Lands

Dragon Dies





Fiery Serpent


Summon Demon

Mighty Punch

Charge (Fighter)

Charge (Barbarian)

Heavy Blow

Precision Shot.

New Global Ambiences:



Howling Winds

New Skin:


Happy Dungeon Crawling!

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